Piggy Pictures | Cape Cod Lifestyle Photographer

A mini pot-bellied pig as a house pet ?! Well I am pretty convinced that I have a pig living in my house already…. or maybe several !

Seriously though,  I have to admit that I was pretty shocked when I first heard that many celebrities have already taken a liking to these mini pigs,  and that they are quickly becoming the latest craze in exotic pets.  So when I heard that a family member was planning on adopting one, I just had to see for myself what all of the fuss was about.  My daughter (who is totally over the moon about this) and I , went on a little ride over the bridge to Bayview Farm in Bourne Massachusetts,  to visit with veterinarian and breeder Annette Herbst of New England Tea Cup Piggies and her new litter of Micro-Mini pigs.

Gustav, 2 years old with his little tail wagging as he happily grazed on the front lawn , came over to greet us. He was friendly and curious and didn’t mind me taking lots of pictures.  He even smiled in some …don’t you think ?


And this is Olivia ……she was a little afraid of me I think, or else she didn’t like my silly noises. I did see though, that she loves to be snuggled by her Mom Annette.


The little piglets were just 2 weeks old and oh my !! Have you ever seen such adorableness ?!   This little piggy was chosen, and he was named Oscar. He is definitely smiling. And so is my daughter because in her mind Oscar will be half her’s…. 🙂


Christine Kuenzel - OMG! They are so cute!

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